The Horizon 2020 PLANET4B project started! The focus: better decisions for biodiversity and people
The Horizon 2020 project “Planet4B. Understanding Plural values, intersectionality, Leverage points, Attitudes, Norms, Behaviour and Social Learning in Transformation for Biodiversity decision making”, officially started in November 2022 and kicked off from the 13th to the 15th of December 2022 in Halle, Germany. The project will end in 2025.
It involves 16 partners: universities, NGOs and other organizations, from all around Europe. The University of Pisa coordinates the project and is involved through the Department of Political Science (Coordinator), Department of Agriculture, and Interdisciplinary Centre Science for Peace.

The PAGE group is represented by Gianluca Brunori and Daniele Vergamini and Pedro Navarro Gambín. The other members of the Italian team are Matteo Villa (Coordinator), Maura Benegiamo, Marta Bonetti, Roberto Gronda, Luigi Pellizzoni.
The project draws upon some reflections and questions on decision-making related to biodiversity:
“We rely on biodiversity for our very existence – it provides us with basic ecosystem services that allow us to survive and thrive” […] Every day, we all make decisions that affect biodiversity: at the highest level, the policy-makers, the businesses leaders and all of us at the personal level”. But the key question is – what leads to such decisions? […] Seeing the alarming loss of biodiversity and how it alters our life and health, it is crucial to know how we make such decisions. How do we see biodiversity and how do we communicate about it? What factors influence our choices? How can we trigger system-wide changes in order to better protect biodiversity, the ecosystem, and all our futures?”
To answer these questions the project will start with the analysis of existing multidisciplinary behaviour theories (e.g. framing, nudging, leverage points), methods and good practices that could be applied to biodiversity decision-making, filling the related knowledge gaps. It will consider factors such as gender, religion, ethnicity, race, age, culture, disability and their potential impact on biodiversity perception and decision-making. Then, it will develop a transdisciplinary framework, serving as an input for policies, businesses and civil society. Its aim is to change attitudes and behaviour in a generative way, by embracing the transformative power of plural knowledge and intersectional diversity. Relevant behaviour change (e.g. experiential games), creative and deliberative (e.g. story-telling) methods will be adapted and applied in 11 place-based and sectoral cases from 8 countries, in EU and at a global level to explore the applicability of these theories and methods for triggering transformative change.
Read the official short project description here.