Daniele Vergamini
- ResearcherDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- daniele.vergamini@agr.unipi.it
- 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa
I am a researcher with about 10 years of experience in international, national and regional research projects. I have had the opportunity to explore several topics benefiting from interdisciplinary perspectives and working with various quantitative and qualitative research methods. By now, this research work has resulted in 50+ scientific publications and other academic contributions.
I hold a PhD in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences and Technologies obtained from the University of Bologna. In my PhD, I focussed on the evaluation and design of economic incentives for more cost-effective EU agri-environmental measures. My PhD and subsequent research work allowed expanding my knowledge on the potential of increasing sustainability of agriculture and natural systems and related policies. Researching the evaluation of agricultural policies, I had a chance to study in particular a role of contracts, information asymmetries and property rights, exploring new methodological approaches such as experimental economics.
Since 2016, I have been a researcher at the Department of Agriculture Food and Environment, University of Pisa. I am currently involved in one EU-funded H2020 project related to the provision of innovative contract solutions for delivery of agri-environmental services and goods within the new CAP. Thanks to the activities carried out, we have started research collaboration with the Tuscany Region. This collaboration focusses on the study of B2B events ‘Buy Wine’ for the international buyers interested in Tuscan Wine, and on the challenges to provide new policy tools that incentivise sustainable practices in wine production within the Tuscan Archipelago.
Key research interests
- Agricultural and environmental economics
- Natural resource management
- Wine economics and wine sustainability
- Experimental economics
Core competences
- Applied economics and econometrics
- Economic modelling
- Agricultural and rural economics
- Sustainable development
Current EU-funded projects
CONSOLE – CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
See the list of all projects the group is involved in here
Some recent publications
Vergamini, D., Bartolini, F., Prosperi, P., Brunori, G. (in press – 2019) Understanding the dynamics of regional marketing strategies: The experience of the Tuscan wine producers. Journal of Rural Studies.
Bartolini, F., Vergamini, D. (2019) Understanding the spatial agglomeration of participation in agri-environmental schemes: The case of the Tuscany Region. Sustainability 11(10), art. no. 2753 https://doi.org/10.3390/su11102753
Prosperi, P., Kirwan, J., Maye, D., Bartolini, F., Vergamini, D., Brunori, G. (2019) Adaptation strategies of small-scale fisheries within changing market and regulatory conditions in the EU. Marine Policy 100 316-323 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.12.006
Vergamini, D., Viaggi, D., Raggi, M. (2017) Integrating spatial econometric information and optimisation models to improve agri-Environmental payment design: A resource allocation model for emilia-Romagna (Italy). Agricultural Economics Review 18(2) 40-59, ISSN: 1109-2580 https://www.eng.auth.gr/mattas/18_2_4.pdf