Francesco Riccioli
- Assistant ProfessorRural Economics group, Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- francesco.riccioli@unipi.it
- 2 Viale delle Piagge, Pisa
I have about 20 years of research experience working with forest management, land use change and agro-environmental policies. In the last almost 20 years, I have worked in various national and international research projects dedicated to rural development and management of natural resources. By now, this research work has resulted in 60+ scientific publications, several book chapters and other academic contributions.
I hold a master’s degree in Forestry and a PhD in Forest Economics and Planning – both from the University of Florence. Later in my career, I was teaching such university courses like Economics of the agri-food system and farms and Animal production and technology. I supervised students in (also international) master’s degrees in Rural Development and Economics.
From 2018, I work in the Rural Economics group of the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Pisa. My research currently focusses on spatial econometrics, GIS and automatic learning tools for land use change analysis and analysis of agro-environmental policies. The GIS softwares I am working with include Idrisi, ESRI, MapInfo, Grass, Qgis, WebGis applications and Stata.
Key research interests
- Spatial econometrics
- GIS for territorial planning
- Analysis of ecosystem services from socioeconomic perspective
Core competences
- Spatial econometrics
- GIS and automatic learning tools for land use change analysis
- Analysis of ecosystem services
Current EU-funded projects
CONTRACTS2.0 – Increased provision of environmental public goods in agriculture through improved contract models
LIFE FutureForCoppiceS – Shaping future forestry for sustainable coppices in southern Europe: the legacy of past management trials.
See the list of all projects the group is involved in here
Some recent publications
Mancini S., Moruzzo R., Riccioli F., Paci G., 2019 – European consumers’ readiness to adopt insects as food. A review – Food Research journal, Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2019.01.041
Riccioli F., Boncinelli F., Fratini R., El Asmar J.P., Casini L, 2019 – Geographical relationship between ungulates, human pressure and territory – Applied Spatial Analysis and policy, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s12061-018-9272-8
Riccioli F., Gabbrielli E., Casini L., Marone E., El Asmar J.P., Fratini R., 2019 – Geographical Analysis of Agro-Environmental Measures for Reduction of Chemical Inputs in Tuscany – Natural Resources Research Vol. 28, No S1, August 2019, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s11053-018-9398-z
Check my other publications: