Giulia Gallo
- PhD StudentDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- giulia.gallo@phd.unipi.it
- 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa
I am an environmental scientist, holding a Double Master Degree in Environmental Science at the University of Copenhagen and the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), obtained in 2021, and a Bachelor Degree in Food Science at University of RomaTre. During my Bachelor I also had the chance to contribute to the research and development of the Food Policy in Rome, where I deepened my interdisciplinarity on food security, food policies, and short-food supply chains. Â
Throughout the years in Sweden (2019-2022), I focused my studies on sustainable food systems and food waste. I also worked as project manager in a private company, where I helped researching and developing an insect protein feed, based on recovered food waste. In 2023 I moved to Brussels, Belgium, where I worked at a European Federation as environmental consultant for one year, having background in life cycle assessment, where I explored the EU policies on food and agriculture. Â
In November 2023, I joined PAGE (Pisa Agricultural Economics) as a PhD student, where my research will concentrate on multi-stakeholder engagement, rural-urban relations, food waste prevention and food policies. Â
- Sustainable agri-food systemsÂ
- Food waste preventionÂ
- Food securityÂ
- Degrowth Â
- Agroecology, Regenerative agricultureÂ
- Sustainable tourism Â
- Experience with multi-disciplinary approachesÂ
- Knowledge on food waste and quantitative analysis (LCA)Â
- Qualitative research and analysisÂ
- ONFOODS – Research and Innovation for Sustainable Food and NutritionÂ
- EMPLACING FOOD – Narrative, Policies and Spaces in ItalyÂ
See the list of all projects the group is involved in here
Marino D., Bernaschi D., Cimini A., D’Amico G., Gallo G., Giovanelli G., Kollamparambil A., Lirosi L., Mazzocchi G., Minotti B., Pagano G., StellaG., Tarra S. (2022), Atlante del cibo. Uno strumento per le politiche locali del cibo, Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale, CURSA, ISBN 9788894227239 https://bit.ly/3vOMp7rÂ
Mazzocchi, G. Gallo, L. Lirosi, A. Kollamparambil, D. Marino, The democracies of food: models of participatory governance of local food systems (2020). Publication for the 6th Annual Conference of the “Society of Territorialists” held in Castel del Monte: “accessible online at https://bit.ly/3rpPHqm
Terra! Onlus, Lands Onlus (2019). Una Food Policy per Roma. Perché alla Capitale d’Italia serve una Politica del Cibo. Accessible online at https://bit.ly/3rpjBv8 Â
Vulcano G., Gallo G. (2018). Protecting agro-biodiversity with short, ecological and local food chains. ISPRA. Accessible online at https://bit.ly/2OtSnEOÂ Â