Laura Fastelli
- ResearcherDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- laura.fastelli@gmail.com
- 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa
My research experience includes about 10 years in economics, agriculture and territorial development. One of my experiences as a research fellow was working on landscape integration of the regional land use plan (PIT) of the Tuscan Region. In the last 3 years, my research has been focussed on rural landscape management.
Overall, since 2011 I have carried out various activities, such as research, training, project management and dissemination of research results. Thematically, all this work was conducted in the areas like economics, agricultural policy, governance, and rural and local development.
In terms of my recent project work, I have worked in the H2020 project SALSA ‘Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security‘ on the assessment of the role of small farms and small food businesses in delivering a sustainable and secure supply of affordable, nutritious and culturally adequate food.
Key research interests
- Rural landscape management
- Role of small farms in rural development and in food security
- Rural development
Core competences
- Methods of assessing the value of open spaces
- Spatial analysis of agricultural management (e.g. GIS tools)
- Socio-economic analysis of agricultural management in rural areas (e.g. statistical tools)
Current EU-funded projects
See the list of all projects the group is involved in here
Some recent publications
Fastelli, L., Rovai, M., & Andreoli, M. (2018). A Spatial Integrated Database for the Enhancement of the Agricultural Custodianship Role (SIDECAR)—Some preliminary tests using Tuscany as a case-study Region. Land Use Policy, 78, 791–802. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.LANDUSEPOL.2018.07.025
Fastelli, L., Landi, C., Rovai, M., & Andreoli, M. (2017). A spatial analysis of terrain features and farming styles in a disadvantaged area of Tuscany (Mugello): implications for the evaluation and the design of CAP payments. Bio-Based and Applied Economics, 6(1), 81–114. https://doi.org/10.13128/bae-14625
Baldeschi P., Brunori G., Fastelli L., Gisotti MR, Rovai M. (2016), “The morphological characters of rural landscapes” in (edited by) Marson A. “The structure of the landscape. A multidisciplinary experimentation for the plan of Tuscany”. Ed. Laterza, Rome-Bari (ISBN: 978-88-581229-5-2).
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