Luciano Pagano
- Assistant Researcher and PhD StudentDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- luciano.pagano@agr.unipi.it
- 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa
My academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences and a master’s degree in Agro-food Production and Agro-ecosystems Management from University of Pisa.
During my studies I had the opportunity to explore the economic and political aspect of agriculture with an internship at an agro-technical office and with a scholarship at the University of Pisa. During my internship I mainly studied the Rural Development Programme (RDP) of Tuscany. By the scholarship, I instead focused on European and national regulations related to soil health.
I also have experience in the private sector as a organic inspector and agro-technician. In the former case, I had the opportunity to closely observe the organic farming of Tuscan farmers. While in the second case, my work concerned the resolution of practices related to the RDP.
In April 2023 I joined the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the University of Pisa as a research fellow, where I am currently working on the NOVASOIL project. In November of the same year, I started my PhD in Agriculture, Food and Environment, with the idea of working on topics related to soil health, possible solutions and the environmental, social and economic impacts of these.
Key research interests
- Soil management and sustainable agriculture production
- Economic evaluation of sustainable farming practices, on a farm and wider scale
- Cost and benefit analysis
- Agroecology
Core competences
- Â Agricultural economics
- Â Agricultural and food policy
- Agronomic expertise
- Â Interdisciplinary approach
Current EU-funded and national projects
Oper8: European Thematic Network for unlocking the full potential of Operational Groups on alternative weed control
See the list of all projects the group is involved in here
Some recent publications
- Winkler, G., Pagano, L., Vergamini, D., & Bartolini, F. (2024). Soils and ecosystem services: policy narratives and instruments for soil health in the EU. Bio-Based and Applied Economics. https://doi.org/10.36253/bae-15466