Maria Bonaria Lai
- ResearcherDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- mariabonaria.lai@agr.unipi.it
- 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa
I am a researcher in Economics and Agricultural Policy with several years of experience in international and national research projects. Some of them have been related to agri-food systems, food consumption, longevity, renewable energy.
Working in multicultural environments, in an interdisciplinary way has given me the opportunity to explore new topics and quantitative and qualitative research methods.
I hold a PhD in Economics and Agricultural Policy from the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (Italy), a MSc in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness from the University of Aberdeen (U.K) and a Master in Economics and Agricultural Policy from the Centre for Training in Economics and Rural Development Policy of Portici (Italy).
I am currently working as a researcher at the Department of Agriculture Food and Environment of the University of Pisa, where I am involved in two projects, one is a EU-funded H2020 and the other one is a National-funded project (PNRR), both related to the sustainability and digitalization in the agri-food sector.
- Marketing and consumer behavior
- Sustainable tourism
- Digital ecosystems and food traceability
- Economics and Agricultural Policy
- Customer satisfaction and wine market
- Quantitative research methods
CODECS:Â Maximizing the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalization through conducive digital ECoSystems.
AGRITECH (PNRR): New technologies and methodologies for traceability, quality, safety, measurements and certifications to enhance the value and protect the typical traits in agri-food chains.
Lai M.B. (2019). Consumer behavior toward wine products. Chapter 3 of Consumer science and strategic marketing: case studies in the wine industry, Elsevier, 33-46.
Lai M.B., Cicia G., Del Giudice T. (2016). Pescatourism, a sustainable tourist experience. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 133, 1034-1042.
Lai M.B., Cavicchi A., Rickertsen K., Corsi A.M., Casini L. (2013). Monopoly and wine: the Norwegian case. British Food Journal, Vol. 115 Iss: 2, 314 – 326.