Matteo Olivieri
- PhD StudentDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa
Contact Info:
- matteo.olivieri@phd.unipi.it
- 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa
Agricultural study is an important part of my life. I hold a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Agricultural Science and Agri-food Production and Agroecosystems Management respectively, both recently obtained from the University of Pisa. My bachelor’s thesis was dedicated to studying typical and quality production in Italy and Europe. Later in my master’s research I examined how to reutilize waste from fruit juice production in the production of olive oil in bad years.
Followed my master’s degree, in November 2019 I started a three-year PhD co-financed by Pisa and Bologna University. My research will be conducted within an H2020 project CONSOLE – CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry. I believe, significant problems in the provision of agri-environmental-climate public goods are related to administrative processes. I will therefore address this issue within my PhD developing innovation environmental contracts.
Apart from research work, I am a member of a Coldiretti and a National sea lifeguard society in Genoa. In 2014 I participated in a summer school in Abruzzo, Italy, reserved to best agricultural students in Italy; it was organized by CREAA and the Italian agri-food minister particularly interested in short food supply chains, and local and certified agricultural products.
Research interests
- Contracts in Agriculture
- Agro-environmental Economy
- Agri-environmental-climate public goods
- Econometry
Core competences
- Agricultural experience
- Agroeconomic, Rural Development, and Agronomic studies
Current EU-funded projects
CONSOLE – CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry. Programme Funding: Horizon 2020 (2019-2022, coordinator: University of Bologna, Italy)
See the list of all projects the group is involved in here