Sabrina Arcuri

  • ResearcherDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa

Contact Info:

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  • 80 Via del Borghetto, Pisa

I completed a PhD on food (in)security/poverty and charitable food provision in affluent countries, investigating primarily the Italian system of food assistance and the ways it intertwines with food waste recovery. During my PhD, I spent a semester as a visiting student at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI) of the University of Sheffield (UK).

I worked two years as a post-doc at the University of Florence, where my research focused primarily on rural tourism and the socio-economic aspects of agro-biodiversity conservation.

At the moment, I am a researcher at the University of Pisa and my current research work includes urban/local food strategies and policies, rural development, and sustainable food systems. Additionally, I hold positions as a lecturer, teaching ‘Resources and Peace’ in the Peace Studies program at the University of Pisa and ‘Sustainable Agri-food Production and Rural Development’ in the Agribusiness program at the University of Siena.

Key research interests

  • Food (in)security in wealthy countries
  • Origins, development and governance of urban/local food strategies
  • Sustainable food systems and rural-urban relationships
  • Rural development

Core competences

  • Qualitative research and analysis
  • Participatory methods

Current EU-funded and national projects

OnFoods -Italian research and innovation network for sustainable food and nutrition

GRASS Ceiling – Gender Equality in Rural and Agricultural Innovation Systems

SHERPA – Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors

ROBUST – Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies


See the list of all projects the group is involved in here

Some recent publications

1.    Arcuri, ,  Brunori,  G.,  Rolandi, S. (2023). Digitalisation in rural areas: exploring  perspectives  and  main  challenges  ahead.  Italian  Review  of  Agricultural  Economics, 78(2):  19-28.

2.    Toldo, A., Allegretti. A., Arcuri, S., Pierri, M. (2023). Povertà alimentare, right to food e politiche locali del cibo. Prime riflessioni critiche. Rivista geografica italiana, CXXX, Fasc. 4, dicembre 2023, Issn 0035-6697, pp. 133-151. Doi 10.3280/rgioa4-2023oa16855

3.    Knickel, M., Caniglia, G., Knickel, K., Šūmane, S., Maye, D., Arcuri, S., Keech, D., Tisenkopfs, T., and Brunori, G. (2023). Lost in a haze or playing to partners’ strengths? Learning to collaborate in three transdisciplinary European Living Labs, Futures, (2023) doi:

4.    Arcuri, S., Minotti, B., & Galli, F.(2022). Food policy integration in small cities: The case of intermunicipal governance in Lucca, Italy. Journal of Rural Studies, 89, 287-297. Doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.12.005

5.    Arcuri, S., Brunori, G., Galli, F. (2020). The Role of Food Charity in Italy. In: Lambie-Mumford, H. and Silvasti, T. (eds). The rise of food charity in Europe, pp. 79-110. Bristol Policy Press. ISBN 978-1447347569. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvzgb6dt.10

6.    Arcuri, S.(2019). Food poverty, food waste and the consensus frame on charitable food redistribution in Italy. Agriculture and Human Values, 36(2):263-275. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-019-09918-1

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